
The best ever

I  get the best looking people to take photos of!!!!  Nah nah na na na..... Yesterday it was cold.... seriously cold, what a surprise!!!  My feet were damp, my nose was a stunning shade of purple.  Rushing into my new favorite location I bumped into my session.  Now I thought I had the travel thing mastered having trooped around the world with my children in tow I prided myself if we made it to our destination without juice boxes spilt and tantrums.  So after 3 hours in a car you would expect two little people to perhaps be frazzled and DONE.... however I had the bestest, sweetest little gems this side of cutesville smiling, happy, carefree and not a inch of spilt juice!! Thank you to the most patient parents who were a delight to meet.  I truly hope you enjoy your shots and hope our paths cross again.

Now feast your eyes on these beauties!!!!










5 Reasons


5 reasons why I LOVE what I do

1 I make people smile......"say CHEEEEESE"

2 I create memories for people to cherish

3 I can teach my children a love for art

4 I get to work in gorgeous locations

5 I meet some of the nicest people in the world

On Sunday I got to do ALL 5!!!!  Now granted number 3 is supposed to be left to the confines of home - a quiet night to chat to my girls about how beautiful photography is.  HOWEVER Sunday my 3 girls (aged from 4 months to almost, nearly, how many more sleeps Mummy? 6)  were dragged....bribed and made to come with their impulsive Mother to watch me work.  LUCKY for me I met 3 of the nicest people who were not only forgiving but also very very good at calming my little one down (Quinn) who decided to scream pretty much the whole time.  Nothing like the sound of a distressed baby to calm the creative urge, sadly  bribing her with Disney on Ice and candies just doesn't work!!!

So with all the children freezing their bottoms off and some fantastic people I managed to snap some wonderful shots of a wonderful couple and their darling little angel.  To Jess and Jeff, thank you!!!  I hope you enjoy your shots.  I wish you all the best with your new bundle I know he or she will be cherished.

So sneak peak for you.  Your gallery will be up in the next day xxxxx







A sleepy dream

How lucky am I!!!  This STUNNING family was a dream to shoot.  Miss M played the game very nicely and slept, slept and slept some more she even autographed my sheepskin, bless her little heart... I could not have asked for a better baby with two very cool parents.  I will have your gallery up and running in the next week.  However in the mean time enjoy your sneak peek!!!  








I had to add some more, along with the other two Miss P totally stole my heart with this outfit and I just had to have a little play with some vintage feel processing.... Not for all however it makes me smile!!!  




Its been a lonnng time coming

Well its been a long time a commin, just as the title describes.... these poor folks have waited wayyyy to long.  Finally we headed out on a some what gorgeous Sunday to get some much anticipated shots of the coolest family this side of Timaru!!!  A total delight snapping these gorgeous subjects and a big thank you for being my guinea pigs once again. Lets not keep you waiting any longer.  Heres a couple just to wet the appetite....more to follow over the next few days!!!







