
Its only day 9

Here I am doing the one finger type whilst feeding Quinn, so I do apoligise for any errors.  I am hanging on by a thread with this photo a day nonsense.... Now this isn't a challange that someone dared me to do..... this is purely my own decision (spured on by some wonderful flickr members) If I had a free reign (being that I didn't have a newborn) I would have the kids in the car searching for a location that would wow me inspire me....but instead I am having to find that inspiration with household utensils well actually I haven't had to move into the cutlery drawer however that could be a good one for tomorrow hmmmmmm Anyway this shot taken at iso 1600 (for those not in the know thats high) with no light what so ever so much NO light that my subjects were a dashing colour of orange...hence the conversion into black and white.  Even though this shot is totally and utterly technically WRONG its also so right as its my people, my special wonderful good people :)


Day 8

I know I know lotsa lotsa pictures of the girls.... but seriously if I'm not hanging out a load of washing, eating, cleaning, eating some more, I am on the couch feeding child number 3...that would be you Quinn!!  So in the midnight hours when I should be calmly in my bed getting some much needed shut EYE I am sitting editing a shot or shots.... I think if I didn't have this night time stint I would possibly drive myself insane.  I truly believe we all need an out wether it be a hand of poker, yoga or singing in the rain.  Make sure you have something that makes you feel so super good, and if you don't - look deep inside and try to find it.   Never be afraid and persevere with whatever your passion may be!!   I love to listen to music and it often inspires me.  I about 3 seconds away from purchasing this artists album http://www.amyseeley.com/ I found her whilst checking out another photographer who just happens to be amazing!!!



My photo a day 'time' can sometimes be an hour...maybe two....however tonight between feeding Quinn and tucking the small ones into bed I zipped outside whilst the light was disappearing and snapped my buddy RobertO.... Rob as she is most commonly known .....I like to call her RobertO...... is one of the most talented people I know....not only a beauty with brains but also one of the best ever designers!!!!  If i was even slightly trendy I would have her make me look good........is that possible right now??????? day-5

ME again

So its day 4 and I have spent my whole evening sitting in front of my Mac playing with pictures....is that a bad thing???  I think I am addicted. I wont babble on probably more due to the fact that my brain is a little mushy at the moment....lack of sleep.  

first shot is for the lovely Sara a sneak peak of her's and Ben's crew.....thought it would be easier for them to access here.

2nd is my shot of the day!!!  Little Ava and the adventures of the green balloon!!



My photo for the day was a little tricky today... Not only was I that girl who over indulged in too many coats of nail polish, but I also always left my homework till that last minute.  I do the same when in my pj's, I leave it till the very last second and then  rip out of them and voila, dressed....you would never know.....however sometimes I'm off the mark and will occasionally  get BUSTED.  Yes this did happen today, damn clock was wrong!!   Soooo along with my pj's I sadly left my photo for the day right till the last minute, the kids were tired I was getting a grump on so the shots were a little un imaginative (I promise that will come) so here they are (couldn't decide on which ones so a couple to indulge in)

My girls again in our garden!!


My new blog

Well I kinda decided I didn't like the look of the old blog....I'm that girl who puts a coat of nail polish on her toes....then another....and another....and another until its one big sticky mess and I have to wipe it off and start again...very annoying!!!  SO when it comes to making my blog look pretty I am obsessed and can't get it right.  Now this one is a work in progress and right now needs a lot of work so please excuse the unfinished areas....if Quinn would sleep for a little bit (actually thats what I should be doing) I could finish it.... bless her little heart. I am also starting a new thing to get my creative juices flowing  I shall be posting a photo a day for the month of FEBRUARY....good luck to me!!!!  So here is picture number UNO.  My willing subject baking cupcakes mmmmmmmm


My girls 'ROCK'

So life as a mother of 3 is definitely a lot more hectic than imagined especially with a newborn.   Feeding time for Quinn usually lands smack dab in the middle of dinner time, bathtime and bedtime for the other 2.....due to this the girls think its christmas and can play play play till their hearts content.... and more often than not Spaghetti on toast is the main dish of the day....this will change I promise!!!!   School is back in 2 weeks so Ava is going to miss her big sis terribly and will have to put up with boring old MUMMY....still the trouble we will cause (just the 2 of us....oh correction... the 3 of us).  We shall have to teach Quinn the art of mudpies and bubble time!! Anyway due to new bub not a lot of sessions to report so my darling angels are now my renewed subjects....sorry girls!!!

A coupla sneaky shots