
Because everyone should own a pair of legwarmers

It has almost been a year, oh how time flies!!  I stepped off the plane with excitement and anticipation, I was meeting people I looked up to, people who I now proudly call my friends, some of Australia's best!!  Inspire me 2009 was a  collection of AWESOME photographers getting together sharing their knowledge, jokes, challenges, and 2010 is going to be just as great!!   I am now counting down the days, hours, minutes, when I can completely submerge myself in the presence of other like minded characters... who you ask??? The speakers

Brianna Graham

Ashley Skjaveland

Raye Law

And not only do we have these 3 genius to hang with for 4 days but I also get to hang with some other pretty fabulously talented peeps...

Kristen Cook

Jennifer Stocks

Robyn Geering

Lana Bell

Danielle Stahl

To name just a few!!!    And of course last but not least, none of this would have been possible if not organized by one amazing person!!  Ainslie Bernoth who works endlessly to make sure the whole week is totally perfect!!  She gives 100% of herself to help others and I thank her for that!!!... oh and for also introducing me to Nutella, my thighs will never be the same again!

And to the darling Robyn for making sure my little Quinn is cosy this winter.


You know who you are

Sometimes I like to write little notes to special people, and today on my blog I am writing a special note to a special person... so here it is "Here comes the sun little darling, here comes the sun, and I say its allright".... Pretend I am singing... quite difficult to do however if you had heard me singing out loud (which you have) you'd be glad that we are pretending right now.

Its been a sad week, but I just want you to know that tomorrow will be brighter, and time will heal, and no matter what I will always be here for you. xxxx  And if you ever get lost ...JUST SHAKE IT OFF!!!


And because no post is complete without some pictures...

Vanessa your day was amazing, your new husband is divine and YOU my friend are GORGEOUS.  Thank you for letting me be part of your day.  I PROMISE there are a lot more to come... did I mention a lot more!!!!

enjoy your sneak peek xx










Don't let go

Don't let go of your dreams, believe in yourself because its you that has the right to be the best you can.  Remind yourself each and every day, and promise to always  hold tight and never....... just never...... let go. story

Precious time

I can hear gasps as I write... I have been missing in action and it almost feels unnatural now not to blog at least every third day!!  Why oh why have I been gone so long you ask.  Well the short version, life catches up with you, and before you know it you have 3 little people tugging at your leg asking if its time to play my little ponies, rock stars or makeovers (my favorite).  I had to hang up my blogging pen for a few days to make room for those innocent faces and go be with them.  Lately I feel like I'm not there... not really there, making school lunches, wiping noses, kissing smelly toes (yup I do that too).  So Ella, Ava and Quinn if your reading this, then your not only incredibly smart but you are also incredibly loved and even though I may not seem like I am there, trust me I want to be!!! And I can tell you it was definitely a hard battle keeping away from my blog world as I had 2 of the most STUNNING brides this past weekend.

First up Susie and Phil, what a delight to capture your day.  My belly ached the next day from laughing so so hard.  You both have amazing friends and family and I wish you both the best in the entire world!!!

Enjoy your sneak peek xxx










They came from afar

I hung up the phone and felt a little nauseous!!  Me, crikey, they want me???  I fluster around in my usual flustery way, focus has gone and left the building, palms get sweaty.  Why would they choose me?  What if I can't deliver, oh lord they are going to find out I'm a complete fraud... thats it... game over... deep breath, deep breath. Fast forward a day or so, we meet, I make a fool of myself (more than once may I add) photos are taken, laughs are had and at the end of it all I have had a blissful opportunity to meet some of NZ's most awesome young photographers.  They chose me and I am not only honored and humbled but I am delighted to be able to now call Amber and Isaac my friends.

Thank you for taking a chance on me, thank you for sharing your knowledge and thank you for being so god damn awesome!!!!

Perspectives photography, if you haven't already seen their incredible work, go and have a look...... look out NZ!!

And once again Shine salon and spa came to the aid of a beauty in need of some pampering.  Barbara you did an amazing job on Amber she is utterly gorgeous and you made her even more so!!

Enjoy xxx



Amber your smile is infectious!!!


And your husband's not too bad either.... thats right ladies he's married!!





And as promised.  We nearly didn't get it.... but in the end we did!!!



Princesses and Princes

Watching two people declaring their love for one another is truly a beautiful thing.  I feel blessed and grateful that I not only get to witness this many times over but I also get to capture it.  The season has been an amazing whirlwind of beauty, romance, gorgeous shoes and gowns... oh the gowns!!   I adore each and every one of my beautiful couples and I thank you all for letting me be part of your day, even if I did humiliate myself more than once, thankfully that humiliation and stupidity helped create some smiles. As a lot of you know I own 3 princesses, one who is not yet able to tell the difference between Cinderella and Snow White and two who are completely convinced they are both going to marry Prince Eric  (little mermaid for those of you whom are Disney illiterate) So if you can imagine two small people squealing in delight when they see my 'princess brides' appear on my computer and of course there were double squeals when they saw Juliet.

Juliet and Neil it was such an amazing pleasure meeting the two of you.  You both have incredible friends and family and I just hope the Welsh loved our country as much as we loved having them.

Enjoy your sneak peek xx

Big shout out to Gemma and Alice who did an amazing job at making the girls look oh so breathtaking beautiful.




This was one of those perfect moments you feel blessed to be part of.  Juliet's dad was seeing her for the first time and bless her little heart the tears started to flow!!









FAQ chapter 2

Well humbled isn't a big enough word to express how I feel.  Thank you to those who took the time to comment and email words of inspiration!!  As I have said before I NEVER pretend to know it all.... heck I hardly know anything, however of course I am willing to share techniques and ideas and hopefully it will help someone, somehow, and please feel free to shout out if I have got it wrong... cause nobody likes a know it all!!!  xxx Kendal wrote

I would like to know more about natural light? What are the best times of the day to use it? How do you make photos in full sun look not too shadowy? Is that a silly question?

Silly question I don't think so!!!  And perhaps I'm not the best to answer, but this is what I do.  If booking a portrait session I will always schedule it when the light is pretty, normally in the evening however if that doesn't suit then I will do an early morning!!  For weddings I am a self exclaimed light follower.  My brides will back me up on this.  I am OBSESSED with finding the 'right light' I hunt out nooks and crannies, scale tall buildings, make a complete fool of myself just to get the light that I know will make it all look so fabulous.  Open shade is my fave, fave, fave!

Jennifer wrote

Ok, my question is: I’m not sure if I’ll ever want to do photography professionally but right now is going to be my one chance to upgrade from my Canon Rebel. I’m looking at the 7d and the 5d mark ii. There is quite a big price difference. So I was wondering how important or unimportant do you feel it is to shoot with a full frame camera?

A very wise man once said "there are people out there that have worse gear than you, and take better pictures"  I gasped at this comment, with the realization that he was right.  I have seen photographs on a point and shoot that are jaw dropping!!  However the capabilities of a high end camera are essential for what I do.  For example high ISO for those low light eeeeek situations.  I upgraded from a 30D to a 5D and the heavens heard me sing that day.  I adore, love, and cherish my 5D and will be a very sad soul when it kicks the bucket!!  So answering your question, I love full frame but is it important????....up to the individual!

Dominique wrote

Hi Fiona, I have emailed about this before, as you know I’m an amateur who would like to hopefully go pro one day (if I’m lucky please, only had my SLR for 5 weeks!!). I would love to know how you learned exposures/tips for mastering them, and how you nail them so effortlessly in camera!

p.s. would also love to know about your post editing style-how do you achieve your signature, light, bright crisp images besides the images fabulous straight out of the camera anyway…

Understanding exposure.  This is an awesome book that I highly recommend to anyone just starting out.  It helped me with the basic understanding and relationship between my appeture, shutter speed and ISO.    I really can't stress enough about light... light, light, light, light, light!!!  Find it, hunt for it, and see what happens!!

For post production I bring my files into lightroom for some minor white balance tweaking, open in photoshop and normally bump my curves and if posting to web, I sharpen.

Diana wrote

Hi Fiona, what are your favorite processing techniques and programs you use?

I love lightroom and if I could do everything in here then I would, but due to my OCD tendencies I will always open my images in photoshop and add some extra tweaks... lame I know but hey that works for me!!

Mike wrote

What action sets are you using and how are you doing your sharpening, would be cool to see a sooc vs the finished goods,.

I love actions and believe there are lots of times and places they can be used.  Generally I will make my own actions which can be a great thing and a HUGE time saver.  But if I was to pick some faves then I would have to go with Jesh de rox, Totally rad and Lilyblue.    I do stress however to tweak as much as you can.  I will even go so far as to blend lots of actions together however making sure I lower the opacity to get the look I want.   I posted some SOOC just recently and to be honest when you hit it good right out of the can there really isn't a great need for much adjusting!!

Gretchen wrote

My question is what is your best tip for getting natural interaction from your subjects?

I laugh, I talk..... a lot... I laugh some more and to be honest I make a number one ace fool of myself.... thats all!!

Maree wrote

How do you get such clarity and sharpness, are you using software for this? Also do you use a fill flash or reflecters alot in your portraiture? they all seem to glow!

Maree its light and of course my gear.  It was a ding dong moment for me when I discovered how important the light was... like really ....oh my lord important.  However I think when I first used my 'L' series lenses in fabuluso light I realized that the 3 of us were going to have a great relationship.  I don't use fill flash however Jasmine Star taught me the importance of natural reflectors (a white wall for example) and of course I LOVE her for that.

Emma wrote

I shoot with a 5D and a 30D as my backup. I would love to know about your post processing workflow, particulary how you can achieve such beautiful, natural skin tones. I struggle with this alot. My last question is regarding prime lenses. Have you found that by using them, that has made a big difference to your photography?

I'm a gonna scream it out again LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT!!!  When I first started shooting digitally I had a 'kit zoom lens' which I very soon retired and purchased a prime ' the nifty fifty ' It was a special moment as I had also just discovered shooting in RAW.... ohhhhhhh ahhhhhh.....  These two went hand in hand and took me down an amazing path.  I love primes... I would marry one if I could!!!  So yes it has made a big difference!!

Jody wrote

You said in an earlier post that you realized this year how important light is to your photography. Can you share any tips? Also, your clarity is *amazing* I know most of this probably has to do with the light and your exposure, but do you have any tips? And finally, do you think your 50mm 1.2 and 85mm 1.2 have changed the way you shoot? Sorry for so many questions. I just am in awe of your work.

Jody I think the posts above will have answered your questions.  I didn't want you to think I didn't care about you :).... cause I do!!!!

Viv wrote

I was wondering if you have a fav setting for doing your portraits to get just the right amount of depth of field happening, ie ISO and f stop.

Hi Viv, I mainly shoot wide open.  I never go over 5.6 and predominately shoot under 2.0.  Its personal preference but thats what makes me smile!

Martencja wrote

I would like to know how you use your central point to set your exposure. Do you take it from the skin, or use something like codak card :D or something else. I love your fantastic balance between shadow and light. Also I am curious about your settings in Canon 5 d. Do you use standard settings or your own? If so which one is your best? Thank you for your all tips….

Setting my exposure has always been about my LCD.  I look and see, I trust what I see.  I will take a test shot and because I have been there a million times before, I know what is going to work for me.  I trust myself!!  I use the standard settings in my camera however I do have the custom settings set so that I can use back button focus.

Tony wrote

Hi Fiona, coincidentally I am interested in hearing about your confidence (self confidence I guess) in your results/style. How do you know when a picture is good (good enough) and how do you know what areas you need to improve. Do you have people who give you advice, maybe an internal process? I am not sure to word it but how do you know what areas you need to improve in?

Perhaps this is a wordy way of asking how you know where your at photographically and how you know where to go with your style/skills? Hope this makes sense.

Oh lord Tony there are a million areas I need to improve on.  Confidence.... wow..... what makes me think a shot is good enough?  Well it depends on the definition of 'good enough'.  To me I look a shot and if I am moved by it or think he/she looks beautiful then I will make it a keeper.  I have asked this same question to a lot of other photographers, "how do you know if its good enough?" well who does it need to be good for?   If it makes you smile, if it makes you cry, if it stirs something deep in your soul then its probably good enough!!  xxx

Katie wrote

Just having a read of peoples questions. Yes we all love and are inspired by your light, crisp and stunning d-o-f photos.

I am interested in the question about the 50mm and 85mm 1.2 changing the way you shoot? Your thoughts on full frame camera. Mine isn’t and Quinn’s is with the 5dMark2.

Darling Katie, I have probably answered your question above however a short answer to you is YES the 50 1.2 and the 85 1.2 made a big difference to how my shots looked, however they didn't change the way I shot!!
To quote an utterly amazing photographer Rodney Smith
"To all of you who struggle to make photographs, the life you lead is not just one of imagery. These are the symptoms, the reflections of your life. It is what’s on the inside that makes you a photographer, rather than simply someone who takes pictures. This is a life struggle."
And of course I must include some shots from a wedding this weekend!!!  Amanda and Hayden, thank you for being so fabulous!!!!
Enjoy your sneak peek xx






Content with being imperfect

I miss blogging.  I truly enjoy, plugging in my music, sipping on my peppermint tea and feeling magic.  However right now I don't feel perfect.  I want it to be perfect and I don't feel it.  I haven't blogged this week because I don't have 'the shot'... the one that gives me goose bumps, the one that I want to share.   But it doesn't have to be perfect.  Who cares if the sky is blown out?  Who cares if the composition is off... it doesn't have to be perfect. Tomorrow however will be perfect.   Hamish and Charlotte, you are both fabulous and I wish you all the best for your big day.  See you at the alter...... (I'll be the one with the goosebumps and yes there is a good chance I will cry!!)



The adventures of Snap and Sniff/chapter 2


You carry my shoot sac, you smile and say cheese,

You make sure I am happy and easy to please.

You pick up my sunglasses and all of my stuff,

You never get grumpy, groan, sigh or go huff.

You laugh at my jokes and then laugh some more

You make me laugh back when my feet are so sore.

You are the best person I have and I know

I promise to pay you if you promise to not go!!

Lotsa luff xxx


Ohhh ohhh noted to add these are not edited, just a white balance adjustment in LR.... Straight out of the can babyyyy



My best EVA light meter.  Sometimes she's a little blurry however we get it right once in a while!!!
