Probably one of the proudest moments for me... I ran in puffing.... The entire restaurant was full to capacity.... it was sitting on the counter... I couldn't help myself and grabbed it without taking a breath... realizing I was pushing my way in front of a hungry customer I calmed myself a little, so as not to look like a frenzied beast, and calmly started flicking through. I can't begin to describe the feeling of pride I have for this magical project I was so so lucky to be part of.
It began almost a year ago with Monique and Bevan Smith calling me asking me if I would be interested in shooting the photos for their beyond amazing Riverstone Kitchen cookbook. Now remembering that this restaurant just won Cuisine magazine Restaurant of the year, my heart literally exploded with excitement!!! Of course I was honored and I wont lie slightly frightened. However the fear soon died and with the love and support from two fantastically talented people (Mon and Bevan) who guided me through their vision and of course their passion for food.
To the Smith family, thank you for allowing me to do this. Thank you for allowing me to eat afterwards and thank you for producing what I believe to be NZ's finest cookbooks!!!!
I'm so very, very proud!!!!!
To purchase a copy of this book you can find it here and can I just say I've literally tasted everything in this book and its 100% worth every penny!!!