I haven't updated my blog what seems like an age. I guess life just gets carried away and things get put on the back burner....shame on me (hand smack). I am busy. I'm a mum, wife, cleaner, kisser of bumps, chef (although a very bad one), sock folderupper oh the list just goes on. But today was my day to shine and celebrate the art of motherhood....today was mothers day. Although not a big believer in the presentation of gifts, I have to admit I do get a small amount of pleasure when passed a bag full of goodies, whilst my children's eyes gleam and my husband stands tall looking very proud of himself for having 'shopped' with his children. As they impatiently stood behind me anxiously awaiting my reaction for what they considered to be the ultimate gift, I opened my bag to find a 10 pack.....no not a 6 pack....... a 10 pack of ....drum roll.... WINE GLASSES!!! Yessireee but wait there is more.... I also (believe it or not) tucked away....heck I nearly missed it....got a.... 3 pack of TEA TOWELS!!! Now some of you may be thinking what an ungrateful, mother, but that I am not!!! Ok so they think I need a glass or two of wine whilst washing the dishes...heck there probably right, but the people who mean the most to me in the whole world got me something bigger than STUFF, they got me smiles and love, and when I looked into their eyes, proud of their shopping accomplishment my heart leaped. Thank you Team Andersen for having me in your lives... next year can you get me a bottle of wine to go with my glasses xxxxxx
So here is a smile.....a special beautiful smile. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wine drinking, dish washing Mums