As a lot of you will know, I spent a good part of 8 years hanging out in the Cayman Islands. Obviously, due to the location of these islands (near the equator) it was toasty warm 99.9% of the time. So arriving into NZ has been a slight adjustment.... Poly props and wool became part of our wardrobes, the bikini gathered dust at the bottom of my drawer (not that I'm complaining about that) and the dreaded FLU seems to knock on our door more often than not. So this week I have been hunkering down, tissue in hand, feeling rather sorry for myself. Ava (middle child) is also suffering from the effects of the virus, however her demeanor is 100% different to mine and through the green snot (sorry for the graphics) and runny eyes, she still continues to be happy.... OH to be 2 and 3/4 again. So whilst wallowing in self pity, my little minx decided to make the most of POST IT notes and decorate herself. Upon me discovering her (discreetly behind the couch) my usual "AVA....WHAT are you doing" was replaced with....hey this could be fun. SO I spent a good part of an hour decorating my child with hot pink POST IT's!!!
A rather random post, but for those of you with runny noses and nothing better to do.... Post it's make for a good day xxxx
p.s for those of you who understand ISO this was shot at 1600....dahuuuuuhhhh another oversite due to my head feeling like a log