I guess I'm an everything and all kinda gal (thats my country voice). Music is a big part of my secret world, the secret world of singing as loud as I possibly can, believing that if Simon Cowell could hear me now he would totally give me that golden ticket to hollywood. My girls cringe at my secret world as they play a major part!!! My recording studio is usually moving (our car) whilst I ruin the Hannah Montana soundtrack (much to the horror of my children, whom are now on the band wagon with 50 million other little girls) My history with country music has been limited, with the exception of my brother in law who would sadly not receive a ticket to Hollywood... sorry D. Now the days of living in the Caymans with D crooning to the likes of Garth Brooks gives me happy thoughts and I can truly say that I will now no longer laugh at cowboy boots and tassled shirts as I think I quite love country music!!! A few shots to add to the post, taken sometime ago but just like country music, revisited and totally appreciated!!!!