Well I have to say I was all fluffy after reading everyones comments... my expectations were exceeded and I am now one very happy camper who is going to keep giving away blocks of chocolate to bribe people to read my blog.... how very lame...... however check back now and then cause its dark chocolate next time!!!! Now without further adieu, the winner of the Whittakers White Macadamia... isssssssss Sheryl!!!!!!! Sheryl (bless her heart) is a mother of eleven, that in itself is a feat worth a years supply of chocolate. All you mothers out there, you have to agree to be able to juggle photography, eleven beautiful children and comment on my blog is a pretty impressive feat, so hats off to you Sheryl!!! And as always a post is always better with a photo. Bribery is not only exclusive to blog readers... a few marshmallows goes down a treat whilst posing for mummies camera!!!!