Oh my lord its Christmas.... as I scream round the house yelling "its christmas" "its christmas"... holy heck "its christmas". Where the bleep did the year go??? Seriously, can someone please explain?? And have I shopped... well yes of course, but the tree, the decorations, the dust needs to be blown off the horrid cd that gets played whilst hanging the fairy lights. I feel ashamed that I'm not in the 'holiday spirit' I need to give myself a massive dose of christmas cheer.....starting tomorrow!!! Before I move full on into santa mode. I have to share one of the sweetest families I had the pleasure of snapping. Rather close to my heart as they have 3 GORGEOUS girls of similar ages to my cherubs. Thank you Spencer family for allowing me to dote on your darling girls!!! Enjoy your sneak peek, more to follow in the next few days!!
The beautiful north
in Family