Step it up, step it up.... YUP gotta step it up. I guess its easy to take the road with no corners. Keep safe, heck why not???? I do take the straight road. Sometimes taking risks is daunting, scary, damn right difficult, however in order to become better we need to challenge ourselves, and if this means stepping into uncharted waters then so be it!!! My photo a day has become a chore, not a challenge. I grab my babies (my very willing and oh so sweet babies) when the light is about to say goodnight for the day... the very last moment.... "quick jump in here so I can blog a shot" Where is the challenge in that? Phuuuuuttzzzzzz!!!! I'm a gonna step it up and surprise y'all!!! (eeek what with who knows?????) So just because I have, here is my darling girl, aka willing subject just before bed.... truth be told I grabbed her out of bed (hence the scarf and sweater). Bad mother, bad mother.
Oh and what am I listening to right now..... SOLA ROSA A very cool kiwi based group. The kind of music you dance yourself silly to!!... Trust me I know!!!