Like a good cup of tea (strong with a splash of milk), cheese on toast (when someone else makes it), red wine and dark chocolate, size 4 pants that fit perfectly.... cough, cough, splutter, splutter, the list could go on. These are my comforts, these are my oh oh oh GREATs!! She is the same, she is my special person who, no matter what, where or how, ALWAYS there for me and I am very proud and excited to announce to the world my bestest EVA best(ie) and assistant....... the one, the only, drum role please.... Holly (do I hear an amen) Tompkins - Tuller. You people don't know whatsa commin!!! Its wedding season, the birds are chirping, the sky is blue, love is in the air, cue the violins, Snap and Sniff are on the road (much to the horror of other road users!!)
Being as blessed as I am, I have some AMAZING brides who just happen to be delicately placed, around this fine country we call New Zealand. Were not a big place however we are very proud of our land and the surroundings. Holly (aka sniff) and I (aka snap) are on a journey, one that we will take every weekend until the end of March. And why not share our journey with everyone. There are going to be many adventures, perhaps a competition or two??? And of course some serious belly laughs!!!
SOOOO here my dear friends, is chapter one of the Snap and Sniff journals.
Just a few pictures of our roadie to Blenheim, yes we did have to travel in the car for 8 hours, yes we did eat pies along the way, yes I may not spend that much time in a car again.
BIG YO YO HOLLA to our friend and photographer, Mr self timer... he will be making sporadic appearances over the next few weeks!! Without him we would be lost!!
YES this is where we live... yes its pretty!!!
A quick wee stop for some much loved Crayfish. Nin's bin was a must do whilst traveling the Kaikoura passageway.