Remember those times as a child you would run down a hill, no care in the world if you fell, just the feeling as though you were invincible and carefree. No fears of falling, or nose diving into the earth, all you could hear was the pounding of your feet and the feeling that your legs had taken over your torso and you were powerless to stop them. It was blissful.
Sometimes I think as so called 'grown ups' we need to run down those hills, making sure that our legs have all our permission to run as fast and as uncontrollable as they can.
This wedding made me feel alive, the continuos laughter and carefree nature. Thats how life should be, holding on to every moment and making the most out of every second
Ash and Nat, you are wonderful, kind, special, hugable, funny, musical, breath of fresh air enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your day with us xxx
Holly T my roadie, thank you for being my seconder. I love our trips xx
Wedding dress was by the VERY talented Natalie Chan who also happens to feature a few times... aka 'maid of honor'
Venue Jacks Point Queenstown, ask to speak with Sam she WILL take amazing care of you x