
Moments in time.

There are moments in time that you wish would last forever.   This week was a week I want to hold on to and cherish.   This week was filled with those moments. Although I would love to take credit for the set up of this shot, I will give credit where credit is due.  3 beautiful, amazing, talented photographers created this moment... I just pushed the shutter.





You girls are extraordinary.  Thank you for creating and sharing this moment!!

The doubt inside.

Tonight I wanted to share, share about what I know and how I attempt to do it.  I wanted to keep the FAQ posts more frequent, but I have failed at being diligent, or is it that I am afraid?  I am young in this business, really young and what the heck do I know???  I doubt myself daily, and lately a lot more than normal.  How can I share without sounding like I'm all that and a bag of chips cause believe me people I AINT that!!! So maybe rather than me assume what you want to hear, post your questions in the comment box under the photo.  I will do my best to answer them and if I don't know the answer I'll ask someone!!!  We can learn together!!!

And of course I can't write a post without sharing a shot.  This is my princess, the one who keeps me sane the one who told a complete stranger that her Mummy was famous... famous in her eyes and this makes me feel good..... oh and if your wondering what I'm famous for... I'm famous for being her Mummy!


It IS supposed to be summer.

It is I swear it is... oh but wait where is the sun??  Precisely!!!  Its unreal, our neighbor's a yonder (land we call Oz) are having record breaking heat waves and us, well how does fog and misty rain sound???  BUT being the optimist that I am my arm hairs started to tingle when my photo a day challenge comes to the fore front of my mind.  Ohhh lets chase the fog.  Of course the girls are always up for an adventure.  Jumping in our trusty station wagon (and proud) we hunted down the best foggy bit.  We did get a little carried away and ended up in one of our favorite spots 'Bells pond'.  We were the only fools at the pond this foggy day.  Its normally quiet, but today was just magical. Everything was peaceful, even the swans were floating elegantly across the water.  The girls were in heaven, literally.

I couldn't decide on what shot I liked the best so I added my top 3.  Ella has been staring a lot lately.  I think mainly because she's the only one that will sit still... tomorrow it will be Ava, then Quinn!!!




Wednesday night club.

My inner beast, thats what I like to call it.  The part of me that fights, like dukes up "wanna piece of me?" fight.   Tonight I showed them all who was boss.  Them would be 2 of my nearest and dearest.   People that not only laugh at my bad jokes, but also my in ability to play backyard volley ball... hey who cares if I'm all fingers and toes???  I frigin ROCK at uniforms!!!  Once a month we all get together for no reason but to sit and giggle.  Tonight there was a challenge, boys against girls.  The girls lost, but only just.... There is nothing better than belly laughing with friends, doesn't matter if our house is a mess, the carpet is circa 1973 (no bull) the formica table is cracked at the sides and our kitchen chairs are bright orange.... (were waiting till it comes back in style)  We have friends that don't see what we don't have and I think thats cool. So I may not be able to walk tomorrow and my knees have grass stains however next month I WILL be the backyard volley ball champion without a doubt!!!!

Here again is my willing model.

Day 20, WOW already!!!!


Lets share the love!

bohem As some of you would have read a post or so ago, I wrote about how devastating the Haiti crisis is right now and my head was hurting with thoughts of what to do?   Well this evening I received an email from Sonia who is the creator and master behind Bohemian Secret.  On a regular basis I get emails from wonderful people asking me what actions/processes I use for my black and white shots.  Well I can proudly say that I use Sonia's AHmazing actions for a large majority of these.  And tonight she is offering all her actions/presets 50% off with all earnings received going to the Haiti earthquake victims.

Not only is this an amazing opportunity to pick up some of the best black and whites known to me but to also give back to a country that really needs all the help they can get right now.

Be thankful.

Normally our television is turned on at 6 oclock.   This is when our ears and eyes are filled with the day's top stories.  Sometimes its heart warming, sometimes its heart breaking and sometimes its mindblowing.  Tonight I watched some of the most horrific images that has made my mind hurt with thoughts of what can I do?    I cannot believe how cruel our world can be sometimes.  Haiti has been devastated, according to the reports over 200,000 people have been killed.  This is all if not more of our closest town.... GONE.... everyone dead.... in the blink of an eye.    There are hospitals where people have not had any medical care in more than 2 days. Sometimes life is just not fair.  But I can assure you I will be saying thanks tonight.  Saying thanks that I have a house over my head and water in my taps.

Think of the people of Haiti tonight and pray that they get all the help they need.


Content with being silent.

Day 15... phewl... I am super cool with taking hundreds of photos daily, millions even!!!  However blogging everyday is tough.  I seriously don't lead that exciting of a life.  Does anyone even read it?  Tonight I really am stuck with what to say.... so I'm not gonna fake it... I'm just going post a picture and be content with being quiet. Enjoy xxx


Day of the lazy people.

Today was one of those days where everything started late, you know the day when your behind in everything!!!  Chasing your tail, close to having a nervous breakdown when your late meeting a good friend for coffee.  I awoke at an embarrassingly late time (along with the rest of the family) I guess we needed the sleep.  Pulling back the curtains I see the day is grey.... what the..... its SUMMER for goodness sake... this shouldn't happen??????  Jeeeeze Louiseee is that the time???   Rather than frying my already fried brain with a day of chaos, I decided that today would be an official holiday in my household.  We were allowed to be what we wanted (princesses included), do what we wanted (NOTHING) and if we were hungry we would just eat  (ice creams included)... I have officially named today, "Day of the lazy people"  Totally appropriate!!!  One rule of our day is our attire, RULE NUMBER ONE, no one is allowed to remove their Pajamas... no.... And because it rained on our summer parade, I decided to sit outside and look in!!!



Added this one in!!!


Step it up

Step it up, step it up.... YUP gotta step it up.  I guess its easy to take the road with no corners.  Keep safe, heck why not????   I do take the straight road.  Sometimes taking risks is daunting, scary, damn right difficult, however in order to become better we need to challenge ourselves, and if this means stepping into uncharted waters then so be it!!!   My photo a day has become a chore, not a challenge.  I grab my babies (my very willing and oh so sweet babies) when the light is about to say goodnight for the day... the very last moment.... "quick jump in here so I can blog a shot"  Where is the challenge in that?  Phuuuuuttzzzzzz!!!!   I'm a gonna step it up and surprise y'all!!!  (eeek what with who knows?????) So just because I have, here is my darling girl, aka willing subject just before bed.... truth be told I grabbed her out of bed (hence the scarf and sweater).   Bad mother, bad mother.

Oh and what am I listening to right now..... SOLA ROSA A very cool kiwi based group.  The kind of music you dance yourself silly to!!... Trust me I know!!!
