
New Life

How beautiful it is.  We don't realize how precious these new lives are until we feel that first kick, that first squirm, the first hiccup.  We don't realize how much love we will have for this amazing new life until we hold them in our arms, soothe their cries, smile at their toes.  Today I met a mum to be who glowed with love for the bundle she is carrying.  Her perfect little bump a reminder to me of how beautiful pregnancy and new life can be... uh oh look out I'm getting clucky.  Lisa, thank you for braving the cold and smiling the whole way through.  Hot chocolates didn't curb the ice however you and little daisy were troopers.  A sneak peak for you!!  








Country music and Hannah Montana

I guess I'm an everything and all kinda gal (thats my country voice).  Music is a big part of my secret world, the secret world of singing as loud as I possibly can, believing that if Simon Cowell could hear me now he would totally give me that golden ticket to hollywood.  My girls cringe at my secret world as they play a major part!!!  My recording studio is usually moving (our car)  whilst I ruin the Hannah Montana soundtrack (much to the horror of my children, whom are now on the band wagon with 50 million other little girls) My history with country music has been limited, with the exception of my brother in law who would sadly not receive a ticket to Hollywood... sorry D.  Now the days of living in the Caymans with D crooning to the likes of Garth Brooks gives me happy thoughts and I can truly say that I will now no longer laugh at cowboy boots and tassled shirts as I think I quite love country music!!! A few shots to add to the post, taken sometime ago but just like country music, revisited and totally appreciated!!!!





Cool very Cool

Times in our lives we meet, good, cool people.  I met good cool people and shared some big laughs... this has to be short but I want to say thank you to some people who made me belly laugh today.  Can't wait till November when these two say I DO!!!  











Because Someone's Gotta

Sometimes in life you have to give back a little.... well if not a little then a lot.  I have been blessed with 3 of the most amazing girls, I could seriously not ask for more.  When I lay my head down at night I am grateful and humbled at how lucky I am, I truly am so so lucky.  There are many little heads laying down each night asking why me, wishing their sickness or disability away.  I want to make all their wishes come true but sadly my magic wand can not grant all.  So I want to give back the best way I know how.  For me this way is through My art, My photography.  I would think it all worth while if I could just grant one sick wee person their magic wish.  About 15 days ago I entered a photo into a competition.  Canon's creative for a cause competition.  I have begged borrowed and pleaded to anyone I can reach to go to the link and vote.  Vote for a cause that grants so many wishes to so many sick kids.  Make a Wish Foundation is my charity of choice and if I can accumulate a HUGE amount of votes I then get a chance to make a few more wishes come true in the form of $25,000.  I want to thank EVERYONE who has taken the time to click the link and help me and lots of sick kiddies out!!  I am once again humbled at the support so thank you!!!   Here is the shot that I have entered, here is the link to vote.  Please vote it only takes a second.




I'd sink without you

The 'girls' all have had quite a lot of air time on the blog, and seeing its winter and cold (did I mention I was cold)  Anyhow the day has come for Quinn to get a passport so thinking I would save myself a few dollarios (why not in this day and age) I would attempt to take the 'shots' for her little black book.  30 mins later and one very grumpy Quinn we managed to get NADA, nothing, nitlch.  How impossible is it to get a 5mth old to look at the camera, sit nicely, don't open your mouth.... NUP not gonna happen..... photo store, here we come. Still I did manage to get a couple that make my heart melt

Miss Quinnamen 



Comes in two's???????

Well its not really fair!!!!  ALL of them are growing up.... Today it was Ava's day.  The morning started as normal as any.   Ava running around the house, wishing everybody a happy birthday, me having a nervous breakdown whilst trying to frost cup cakes.... pleading that they looked anything like my new drool blog (did that make any sense??).  Kathryn from 4 goodness cake, has to be the most talented baker I have ever seen... I only wish I was 5 again and she was my Mother, sorry Mum but the Ernest Adams cakes that were lovingly purchased and pushed out of the packet just didn't cut the mustard... well not in comparison to these hum dingers that Kathryn creates. So after a lot of stressing and vowing that I wouldn't do it again we managed to pull off the birthday extraordinaire, pass the parcel and musical chairs included.   Ava my crazy monkey, Happy Happy Birthday cherub, I adore you, I am in awe of you, I love you. xx

Ok not quite like Kathryn's but I sure did give it a go!!! (PHUtzzzzzz)


And NO that is NOT carrot sticks she's holding... that is pure sugar in the name of Fruit Candy Sticks... mmmmmmm



Grrrrrrrr is the perfect word for it!!! Winter that is.  I despise the cold!!! I shouldn't be too negative I do love being in front of a fire sipping some fruity concoction whilst someone is rubbing my shoulders, however the reality is frosty mornings, smoke filled house because you've spent an hour trying to light wet wood, constantly cold toes and a horrid excuse to eat too much cause no one is going to see you under all those baggy sweaters!   My summer morning hop has been replaced with pulling the covers over my head and mummmbling, "two more minutes"  So heres to winter, you horrid sod, bring on the tulips and daisy's!! Anyway due to the frozen grounds sessions have been postponed for warmer days, in the meantime here is a shot from back in the day (summer) when the sun WAS shining



A great blast from the past

As we tumble through life we come across some pretty amazing characters.   Some we keep in touch with, some, with regret, we loose contact due to many life variables, travel, babies, marriage.  Many a moon ago I met a couple of wonderful people, I even spent some crazy times in their flat (whilst mine was in repair after it burnt down) These two  smart, fun, genuine people who have been together for 16 years have produced two of the sweetest little girls and once again our paths have crossed.  I am so happy I have some pretty cool people living close by.  Cannot wait to sit with a large glass of something starting with W and ending in INE and chatter about 'those crazy days'  So here is a sneak peak Mum and Dad.  Really looking forward to catching up next week!!!



Jo I had to add this in, its technically not at all right however her laugh is just too perfect to not have a shot of.... this darling girl was giggling at her sister till she literally got the hiccups!!!








