
BEST wedding stationery in the world!!!

I can't go on enough about how much I LOVE and ADORE details, perfect combinations, mismatched items that just scream together.  I have websites that I stalk to get my daily fix of gorgeous bits.  It makes me weak at the knees and I say silent prayers that god will perhaps grant me with detail talent and my house will then be transformed to look like its just walked out of a feature from Martha Stewart magazine! A wee while ago I came across one of these perfect sites that made my heart leap with ohhh's and ahhhh's.  I then think I screamed out loud when I saw that it belonged to a fellow kiwi and was right here on MY shores!!!

The beautiful Kate Holland creator and genius behind Ruby and Willow is not only a design god (self taught may I add) but also an amazing person who I am really excited to be collaborating with.  Her ability to make things beautiful is astounding.  She listens to her clients and loves making everything perfect.   And not only does she cater to future bride and grooms, she also designs personal stationery, for anyone that wants that boutique gorgeous touch... ahem ahem.. that would be me!!!

Available for international orders, I advise you to pop over to her site and very perfect blog for a peek into her world.

If you are from the other part of the world she also has an etsy store where her boutique items can be purchased.  http://www.etsy.com/shop/rubyandwillow

Kate and I have some fun things planned for the future so keep tuned for upcoming yumminess!!!

Here is a snippet of some of her masterpieces.  May I add she is not a bad photographer either!!!!


Adventures of SNAP AND SNIFF/ chapter 1

Like a good cup of tea (strong with a splash of milk), cheese on toast (when someone else makes it), red wine and dark chocolate, size 4 pants that fit perfectly.... cough, cough, splutter, splutter, the list could go on.  These are my comforts, these are my oh oh oh GREATs!!    She is the same, she is my special person who, no matter what, where or how, ALWAYS there for me and I am very proud and excited to announce to the world my bestest EVA best(ie) and assistant....... the one, the only, drum role please.... Holly (do I hear an amen) Tompkins - Tuller. You people don't know whatsa commin!!!  Its wedding season, the birds are chirping, the sky is blue, love is in the air, cue the violins, Snap and Sniff are on the road (much to the horror of other road users!!)

Being as blessed as I am, I have some AMAZING brides who just happen to be  delicately placed, around this fine country we call New Zealand.  Were not a big place however we are very proud of our land and the surroundings.  Holly (aka sniff) and I (aka snap) are on a journey, one that we will take every weekend until the end of March.  And why not share our journey with everyone.  There are going to be many adventures, perhaps a competition or two???  And of course some serious belly laughs!!!

SOOOO here my dear friends,  is chapter one of the Snap and Sniff journals.

Just a few pictures of our roadie to Blenheim, yes we did have to travel in the car for 8 hours, yes we did eat pies along the way, yes I may not spend that much time in a car again.

BIG YO YO HOLLA to our friend and photographer, Mr self timer... he will be making sporadic appearances over the next few weeks!!  Without him we would be lost!!


YES this is where we live... yes its pretty!!!


A quick wee stop for some much loved Crayfish.  Nin's bin was a must do whilst traveling the Kaikoura passageway.


Booo yaaaa

My new word!!!  I don't actually like saying it out loud, but I love the way it sounds in my head... is that weird??  I guess I am a little like that at times.  I have been known to write peculiar emails written in the context of what I am thinking.  I have had a few disasters from doing this.  I will occasionally go back and read these (straight from my mind) emails and cringe with pain.   Hey, but I tell it like it is... I have also been know to use these 'Fe'isms in general conversation.  I can probably blame it on my nervous brain not separating from its "shut up fiona, shut up fiona" brain (that shut up Fiona brain is yelling at me right now) So if you also suffer from verbal blunders on a regular basis, raise your hand, (maybe not high, like pump the air hand raising) However be proud to make a fool of yourself.  I am.... kinda.... just means I'm normal.... I hope?.... Anyone wanna back me up?....Please.

And because its day 17, not one but 5 shots of an angel straight from a baby gap commercial.  Lordy lordy the eyes... oh my my!!!  I truly  believe that beauty emulates from the inside, Tara your spirit is beautiful and your darling wee guy posses the same beauty.  I wish you best of luck for the future.  Enjoy your sneak peek!






This shot makes my heart melt.  Just a moment but a heart melting moment!


Wish me luck

Photo a day take 3..... Ohhhh today was hard, super dooper hard.  Couldn't decide what shot was to be awarded the 'photo of the day'???  I think my flustered brain is in overdrive this evening.  I leave tomorrow and I need to pack.... eeek.... where did I put the suitcases??  Due to my absence there may be a slight chance that photo #4 is put on the back burner.  Tomorrow I get to meet some superstar photography royalty!!  Jasmine (sweet as sunshine) Star is holding her greatest and bestest workshop tomorrow in sunny NZ and after many moons of organizing I can finally sigh and say weeeeeeeeee.  Cross your toes for me.  I hope I have planned well and the models turn up with clothes on!! So here is today's shot(s)  A short hike from home is one of the greatest beaches... note how there is NO ONE there!!!  We rocked up minus our bathers due to the storm that was brewing that morning.  However the day turned out rosie!!!  This was Quinn's first time crawling on sand... I LUFF HER xx




A photo a day.... what a splendid idea

I begin the year with many a new year resolution, like most, keep fit (oh I mean get fit), be nicer to people, getting out of pj's before midday ,brush my teeth more often, floss, ra de ra de ra. There are a few personal resolutions that I keep quietly to myself, the ones I know will mean nothing to anyone else, however to me accomplishing those resolutions will make me a better person/wife/friend/mother.   Last year I challenged myself to take a picture each day over the period of a month.  Much to the horror of my family AKA my models, I am going to strive to do it again over the month of January.  I will post the 'photo of the day' each day here as well as client sessions etc, so I anticipate my blog to be full of lots of pics.

I hope everyone will enjoy my daily creative exercises as much as I will enjoy deciding on what to snap!!!  Bring on the ideas!!!!

Also if any brides to be are reading this post and wondering where my wedding gallery has gone..... stay tuned a few changes will be appearing over the next month or so, so be sure to check back.

SOOOOO here is the beautiful Marnie who just happens to be my first photo of the challenge



The year that was the year that will be

Happy Holidays to one and all.  A little late for the Christmas cheer, selfishly I removed myself from my posts to spend a much blessed Christmas week with 4 of the most important people of my life.  My day was marvelous with family friends and a very large amount of food.... a trend I seem to be sporty after the fact.... I feel a new years resolution coming on. It would be a very rare occasion that I would be lost for words however I think it might be happening..... crickets chirping.... how do I say thanks?  I have been so so lucky to have an array of amazing clients/friends supporting me in my first year of business.  I cannot  not express enough just how grateful I am to these people who have truly helped and been a part of my journey as a photographer.  SO rather than me banter on and get all soppy.  I just want to say THANKS a whole lot, and thats not just my wonderful clients but anybody who ever takes time in their day to stop by and read my rant.

Next year is going to be a ride, a really big fast amazing ride.  I have a LOT of things bubbling in my cauldron and I am DYING to yell it from the rooftops, not that many people would hear me as I think there is something like 20 people in my village????  Keep tuned and please continue to visit in 2010.

And here is one of my biggest accomplishments of 2009.... I'm so god damn proud of this thing,



All we can do is keep breathing

Time does not stand still, even though we wish it would.  Sometimes I just need it to stop for just a day, that way I can catch up on  my 'things' that have been on my to do list for over an eternity.  If you are waiting for me to have my wish (time stand still) , I want to say thank you for your patience, I am here and I do care, I just need to keep breathing and plod along. And how could I write a post without sharing one of the sweetest things to be born this year!!




I helped create these 3

I watch and listen, sometimes its a yell sometimes its a giggle and more often than not is a whimper or cry.  I adore these miracles and wish time could stand still.  Their personalities astound me, watching them become independent, strong people inspires me. We didn't look for the right light, we didn't put on any fancy outfits, we just lay on my bed and giggled, and I just happened to have my camera nearby.  These are the shots that I cherish, the unprepared, unscripted, blissfully us.


