It IS supposed to be summer.

It is I swear it is... oh but wait where is the sun??  Precisely!!!  Its unreal, our neighbor's a yonder (land we call Oz) are having record breaking heat waves and us, well how does fog and misty rain sound???  BUT being the optimist that I am my arm hairs started to tingle when my photo a day challenge comes to the fore front of my mind.  Ohhh lets chase the fog.  Of course the girls are always up for an adventure.  Jumping in our trusty station wagon (and proud) we hunted down the best foggy bit.  We did get a little carried away and ended up in one of our favorite spots 'Bells pond'.  We were the only fools at the pond this foggy day.  Its normally quiet, but today was just magical. Everything was peaceful, even the swans were floating elegantly across the water.  The girls were in heaven, literally.

I couldn't decide on what shot I liked the best so I added my top 3.  Ella has been staring a lot lately.  I think mainly because she's the only one that will sit still... tomorrow it will be Ava, then Quinn!!!


